White Swiss Shepherd dogs are bred to have the perfect disposition to serve humans in many different capacities. Because so many of our puppies leave our home to become service or therapy dogs, we often get the question,
“What is the difference between a service dog and a therapy dog?”

What is a Service Dog?
A service dog is specifically trained to serve one person, their owner. They are trained to be extremely in tune with the needs, mood, and health of the person they are serving. Because their focus is to aid just that one person, they are specifically disciplined to ignore other people and surroundings.
Most service dogs will (but legally do not have to) be wearing some sort of vest or collar to indicate that they are on duty and should not be petted or distracted from their job.
Service dogs can be trained for many different scenarios. Puppies from Dances With Wolves Ranch (DWWR) have gone on to aid people in wheelchairs, used as stability dogs, to warn owners of oncoming seizures, and as diabetes-alert dogs.
You may also hear the term “emotional support animal” which refers to a category of service dog that aids those with mental afflictions. DWWR dogs have helped owners with PTSD, anxiety, and even fear of flying on planes. A good service dog will silently do its job; focusing on the owner alone and ignoring all other people, animals, and distractions.
What Is A Therapy Dog?
Therapy dogs, on the other hand, undergo a different type of training. These dogs are certified with a handler as a pair and trained to serve others. They are supposed to be attentive and friendly, visiting and providing comfort and companionship for others (visiting schools, elderly homes, trauma centers etc).
Many DWWR dogs in our breeding program are registered therapy dogs and have served reassuring patients in hospitals and encouraging children to learn to read at the library. Unlike a service dog, anyone is welcome to pet and interact with a therapy dog. They are not usually specialized for one task but instead are simply bred and trained to be friendly, calm, and comforting to everyone they interact with.

While service and therapy dogs have different purposes and training, what they have in common is their calm, confident, and non-conflict disposition. Both service and therapy dogs need to love people, get along with other animals, be non-aggressive or dominant, and be sensitive to human emotions. This is why many Berger Blanc Suisse dogs make the perfect service and therapy dogs. They are highly intelligent, easy to train, thrive to please, and are gentle dogs who are very in tune with human moods and health cues. So, whether you’re looking for a service dog to serve you, or a therapy dog to serve everyone, Berger Blanc Suisse is the perfect choice.
Interested in adopting a Berger Blanc Suisse for service or therapy purposes? At DWWR, we take special care to set our puppies up for success!